Disc vs cylindrical power floor scrubbers

Industrial Floor Scrubbers: Disc Vs. Cylindrical

Industrial floor scrubbers are used to clean hard surfaces in many different industrial, commercial and public facilities. Depending on the size and maneuverability of a facility, a smaller walk-behind scrubber or a larger ride-on scrubber can be used. Each of these types of industrial floor scrubber models uses one of two scrubbing methods: disc or […]

Industrial Cleaning Equipment Solution

Selecting Your Floor Cleaning Chemical

Just as important as your choice of an industrial scrubber is the selection of your floor cleaning chemical. Thin layers of dirt or tire marks remaining after cleaning can be an indicator your chemical is not strong enough for the residue found on your warehouse floor. Floor Chemical Concentration As many as 75% of users […]

Rider Industrial Scrubber

Industrial Floor Scrubbers Encourage You to Toss the Mop

Companies put in hours of labor throughout the year to maintain clean warehouse floors. In addition to covering the area twice – once with a broom, once with a mop – the level of cleanliness is questionable. After a few swipes of the mop on the floor, the bucket’s water turns dark and now you’re […]

PowerBoss Nautilus HD Sweeper Scrubber

Industrial Floor Sweepers and Scrubbers: Selecting the Right Equipment

When you’re making the investment in floor cleaning solutions for your warehouse, think about the overall process, including cleaning goals and floor space. Do you need an industrial floor sweeper or scrubber? This is the first question every company should address before their investment. Very quickly you can determine the right solution by asking – […]

industrial scrubber brushes

Selecting Brushes For Your Industrial Sweeper Scrubber

Dust, debris, oil and other residue all come to rest on your warehouse floor. It waits to be walked through, slipped on or kicked back into the air by your employees. Mopping alone can’t keep an industrial warehouse clean which is why many companies invest in an industrial sweeper and/or scrubber for their facility. Unique […]

PowerBoss Atlas Rider Industrial Sweeper

4 Questions to Consider When Purchasing an Industrial Floor Sweeper

A sign of a safer, healthier warehouse environment is a clean floor. While the food and medical industries are mandated to provide a sanitary environment, manufacturing and industrial processes typically use processes that are dirty. When care is taken to minimize the resulting dirt and debris, not only are slip and fall hazards decreased but […]